One of the goals we had with the [recent platform upgrade][platformupgrade] was to have the infrastructure in place so that we can allow all customers to install additional software and tweak configuration settings by themselves.
Category Semaphore News
Build platform upgrade
Today we’ve rolled out an upgrade to the Semaphore build platform based on the latest Ubuntu LTS (12.04). This means that versions of pretty much everything went up. Check out our version information page for details.
Skip those builds
Sometimes when you’re using Semaphore you want to skip building some commits or branches. Here’s how you can easily accomplish that.
Semaphore can now parallelize your builds
We’re very excited to announce that build parallelization in Semaphore is now available to all trial users and customers with Pro 2 plan and higher.
Semaphore API grows
Today we’re pleased to announce two more methods in Semaphore API: one for listing all projects that you have access to, and another that returns full branch history.
New notifications screen in Semaphore, Flowdock integration
Making it easy to set up build notifications on Semaphore has always been important to us. So far when we’d add a new notification type, we’d create a new tab for it in project settings. We knew that won’t work well forever, and time has come for change:
Semaphore API
It’s been a while since we’ve announced the availability of build status API on Twitter. Here I’d like to let you know what it is exactly at the moment and what we plan to do in the future.
Semaphore implements GitHub’s Commit Status API in record time
Hot on the heels of GitHub’s announcement of Commit Status API, we’re pleased to say that we stayed some extra time in the office and shipped it in Semaphore.
Live build log and other UI improvements in Semaphore
Since we started the Semaphore project, we’ve always strived to come up with a good design. Continuous integration (CI) was not a new concept, but we saw a lot of room for improvement in how it’s done. We hoped that eventually more projects will use CI, which would benefit our entire industry. For example, with […]
Semaphore gets a better Solo plan, supports PhantomJS, Firefox 13, PostgreSQL 9.1, HipChat
Semaphore, our hosted continuous integration service, is being continuously improved. Here are the highlights of what’s new since our last post. Build environment improvements We’ve upgraded our build environment, making PhantomJS, Java, Sphinx and Memcache, among others, available out of the box. There’s a more complete list on our documentation site, and we know quite […]
Campfire notifications and more Ruby versions now available in Semaphore
Hot on the heels of Semaphore’s public launch, we’ve shipped two important and frequently requested features so far: Campfire notifications and support for different versions of Ruby.
Semaphore launched
Close to two hundred people signed up to beta test Semaphore. We invited a better part (sorry if we haven’t invited you early), and those who were invited actually became a part of our team in a way. Thank you so much people and I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Semaphore gets customizable build commands
Since we launched Semaphore as a private beta a month ago we have received a lot of positive feedback along with many feature requests. We saw various projects and realized that many people need to do something in the test suite that we cannot guess. Or simply want to build a Ruby project that is […]
Introducing Semaphore
Semaphore is a product of scratching our own itch. Rendered Text as a team of five people usually works on a few projects at a time.