Debug and Integrate your Pipelines

By developers for developers – jump into active workflows using SSH sessions and debug directly from your terminal. Create and manage your projects and resources using the CLI or make your custom integrations using the API. Best of all – our whole developer toolkit is open source.

Restart in debug mode and inspect workflows, investigate bottlenecks and errors that might happen. Use SSH to login directly into machines that run jobs.

Use the open API to extend the functionality provided by our platform or add it to the existing tools you are already using in your work process.

Run Semaphore commands straight from your terminal. Create custom scripts to automate your processes, manage your projects and create dynamic workflows.

Propose changes to the toolbox, or contribute to the API specs. It’s about making the tools better for everyone by sharing your fixes and features.


Run Semaphore commands in your terminal

Create and manage all your Semaphore projects and resources directly from the terminal or use it for everyday tasks like secret rotation.

Debug active Workflows

Access all running jobs via SSH, restart your jobs in debug mode to inspect the state and set-up port forwarding for UI based workflows.

Create custom integrations

Extend existing Semaphore functionality by using the API. You can create custom tooling and dashboards with the available data or create your own integrations with the tools your organization is using.

Our tooling is open source

Semaphore Agents, Toolbox , CLI, Test Results and API specifications are all open source and open for PRs and suggestions. Use them in your own projects or fork them to extend existing functionality and contribute.

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