Make your Deployments Secure

Set-up roles and access levels to your engineering teams and use Okta for Single Sign-On and role management. Store, manage and rotate your deployment secrets. For enhanced security, use OpenID to authenticate with external providers and have regulatory compliance with audit trails for system-wide actions.

Security and Compliance - Secrets dashboard, audit trails and pre flight checks

Authenticate with external tooling using OpenID and use Okta for single sign-on and team role assignment. Add customized security checks before workflow triggering.

Log every operation and change within your system providing a detailed record that supports security analysis, incident investigation, and regulatory compliance.

Save, use and rotate secrets across organization, project or workflow level and have a high level overview of who has access to sensitive information.

Ensure each team member has the appropriate permissions for their role and daily operations minimizing risk and optimizing day to day tasks.


Control organization and project roles

Define access levels within your projects and organization. Manage roles and permissions to resources and sync existing roles from your project members on Github and Bitbucket.

Integrated Role Based Access Control in Semaphore Dashboard

Manage and tier-structure your secrets

Encrypt and tier-organize your secrets on project, organization, or workflow levels and integrate them into your workflows. Use integrated tooling to rotate secrets on demand.

Secrets Management Dashboard

Single Sign-On and Audit Compliance

Integrate OpenID Connect or use Okta for Single Sign-On and role management. View and export auto-generated audit logs for compliancy checks and add your own business logic to pre-workflow triggering.

Audit Trail Dashboard

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