We are very excited to announce that Semaphore now has full support for testing and deploying JavaScript projects via Node.js.
Category Semaphore News
December platform update with Ruby 2.1.0 final, Grunt, Leiningen & more
The upcoming platform update, scheduled for December 30th, brings a couple of interesting changes. Ruby 2.1.0 final was released on Christmas…
Upgrade your paranoia with Brakeman
Brakeman is a wonderful tool that can scan your Ruby on Rails application for common vulnerabilities. It’s a static code analyzer that can help you find…
Platform update: secure rubies
Today we rolled an update to our build platform. The most important change is new patch levels of Ruby, following the recent security fixes.
Capistrano 3 Upgrade Guide
We recently started receiving support requests about Capistrano 3. Of course to provide quality support you have to know the subject, so I set on a quest to upgrade Semaphore’s deployment script from Capistrano 2 to Capistrano 3. As always it took a bit than expected but in the end new code looks nicer.
Custom Configuration Files
If testing and deploying your project requires some specific configuration files, you can now manage them directly through our new Custom Files feature. This feature allows you to securely create, edit or delete files that are not part of your repository.
How to use different Gemfiles with Bundler
Normally when you’re working with a Ruby project with Bundler you write a file called Gemfile, run bundle install and then invoke various commands with the bundle exec prefix. However what if you would like to be able to work with different versions of gems over a longer period of time? In that case being […]
Ruby version usage in commercial projects
The chart below shows the distribution of Ruby versions in private projects tested on Semaphore.
Platform update: Ruby 2.1 preview, locale, new Postgres, MongoDB, Firefox
The latest platform release adds Ruby 2.1.0-preview1 to the list of included rubies. If you’re curious about its new features such as refinements, required keyword arguments and improved method caching, now’s your chance to test them in your app.
Growing our team – get ready for new greatness
We have awesome news that we would like to share with you. Semaphore team will almost double its development power. New features, speed improvements and even faster support are around the corner. That’s in case you are a fan of TL;DR, otherwise please read on.
RubyGems update and JRuby 1.7.5
As a response to a sudden appearance of intermittent errors on bundle install related to SSL, we’ve upgraded the RubyGems package to the latest version (2.1.9) in all Rubies provided on the Semaphore build platform.
Post-thread commands
We’ve rolled out a new feature that lets you run commands at the end of each thread, regardless of whether build commands passed or failed.
Platform update feat. git, browsers
Today we’re rolling out an update to the build platform which includes new versions of git, Firefox (please update your selenium-webdriver gem) and more.
Continuous delivery via Cloud66
Today we’re very happy to announce our partnership with Cloud 66. Cloud 66 makes it easy to provision, deploy and manage Ruby on Rails applications on major cloud providers.
Multi-deployment approaches
Capistrano is a great tool for remote server automation and deployment. The standard practice is to have a single Capistrano setup per application, but if you are working on a complex project that consists of several applications or services, managing deployment configuration can become a daunting task.