This article addresses the issue of flaky tests in legacy codebases, offering solutions to improve development efficiency and code quality.
Gabriel Delight

Creating Push Notifications Rapidly With Notifee in React Native (iOS)
In this article, we delve into the realm of implementing push notifications in React Native with the assistance of Notifee.
Deploying ERC20 Token With Hardhat: A Step-by-Step Guide
This article guides deploying an ERC20 token on Ethereum using Hardhat, emphasizing streamlined development and enhanced security.
Mastering ERC20 Token in Solidity
This article offers a guide on ERC20 tokens, discussing their benefits, applications, risks, and common development mistakes.
Website Scroll Comparison: Locomotive Scroll vs React Scroll Parallax
Libraries like Locomotive Scroll and React Scroll Parallax are used to enhance your website’s scroll performance. Both libraries will be compared in-depth in this article, along with their benefits and drawbacks, as well as practical usage.