26 Mar 2020 ยท Semaphore News

    Platform update on November 24th

    2 min read

    The upcoming platform update is scheduled for Monday, November 24th, 2014.

    Chrome driver is updated to version 2.12.

    Git is now on version 2.1.3.

    PHP updates include versions 5.4.34, 5.5.18, 5.6.2.

    RethinkDB is updated to version 1.15.2.

    Ruby gets two updates with 1.9.3p551 and 2.0.0p598.

    New things

    Ruby 2.1.5 is added to the platform. Read more about this version in the Ruby changelog.

    Extending support for Ubuntu 12.04

    After reading your letters, we decided that our support for Ubuntu 12.04 is going to be extended. Many servers are still running Precise and we really don’t want to rush anyone to do the switch. Especially in the holiday season when there are more important matters to deal with.

    We are extending support for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS v1409 platform until June 1st, 2015.

    Release candidate available now

    You can try out this update right away by selecting version 1411 (release candidate) in the Platform section of Project Settings. To use Ruby 2.1.5, add the following build command rbenv global 2.1.5. In the final release, it will be avaliable through the interface as usual. As always, we’re eager to hear your feedback and thoughts.

    Updates for the final release

    PhantomJS is now on version 1.9.8 with an important security update for the notorious POODLE vulnerability.

    Chrome has been updated to version 39.0.2171.85.

    Some users have reported ocassional issues during apt-get update, so /etc/apt/servers.list is updated with new servers which will hopefully be more stable.

    Updated libmysqlclient library

    An updated version of libmysqlclient-dev is also included, and is now on version 5.6.21. Projects using the mysql2 gem, version 0.3.11 or older, are required to update the gem to at least version 0.3.12 because otherwise the gem can’t be compiled during bundle install.

    For this reason we have postponed the platform update to Tuesday, November 25th.

    If you experience any issues, please contact us immediately so that we can fix them as soon as possible.

    A full list of changes is available in the platform changelog.

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