20 Sep 2023 · Software Engineering

    Breaking Free From the Cloud With Kamal: Just Enough Orchestration for Your Apps

    17 min read

    There is no doubt that the cloud has changed the way we run our software. Startups, for instance, can get started without buying expensive hardware and scale flexibly. Also, the cloud has enabled novel solutions such as serverless, managed Kubernetes and Docker, or edge functions. For a time, cloud-native applications seemed to be the way forward for most teams, big or small.

    But in exchange for all this power, we pay a cost. And it can be a steep one. 37signals — the company behind HEY.com and Basecamp.com — has calculated that by buying a few servers and moving from the cloud to on-premise, they can save 7 million dollars over 5 years.

    And it is not an isolated case. Recently, Amazon Prime — the poster child of serverless architectures — moved part of its infrastructure from serverless into a monolith and cut costs by 90%.

    Does this mean that we should we go back to bare metal servers like in the old days? Not quite. We can still enjoy many of the benefits of the cloud, like horizontal scalability and no-outage upgrades using containers in combination with an orchestration platform. On that note, 37signals recently released Kamal, a tool that allowed them to to completely leave the cloud, saving them money and improving performance for their users.

    What is Kamal?

    Kamal (formerly known as MRSK) is a deployment tool for containerized applications. It uses Docker containers to run the software and Traefik, a reverse proxy and load manager, to perform rolling updates.

    Diagram showing the typical usage of an MRSK-deployed application. We have an application server running a Traefik instance as a reverse proxy. Behind the proxy, we run the application container. Users connect to Traefik, which routes the traffic to the application.
    The application container runs behind an instance of Traefik running as a reverse proxy. User requests are routed to the active application container.

    Kamal keeps things simple by:

    • Using standard Docker images.
    • Connecting to the servers via SSH.
    • Giving each server a single role.

    The last point gives us the first clue about how Kamal works. It assumes a multi-server setup, where every machine fulfills only one role. In other words, if your application requires a database, Kamal expects to have at least two servers: one for the application and one for the database.

    The diagram shows two servers. The user's browser accesses the Application container in the application server via a Traefik proxy running on the same machine. The application server connects with a second server hosting the database in a Docker container. The developer orchestrates all changes using MRSK.
    Deploying the application and database with a single Kamal command.

    Kamal cares about your servers and little else. Load balancing is limited to the server level. Kamal uses Traefik to forward HTTP traffic to every container running on a machine. If you want to do horizontal scaling, you’ll need to put a separate load balancer in front of everything.

    This is the same diagram as before, but in this case, we have two application servers, each with its own Traefik proxy running on the same machine. Because Kamal does not do load balancing when multiple servers are involved, we need to add a load balancer in front of both application servers.
    Kamal does not manage multi-server load balancing. You need to add your own.

    Because MRSK doesn’t care where the application runs. You can use a cloud server, on-premise machines, or even run VMs on your laptop to test drive the tool.

    Getting started with Kamal

    You’ll need the following to build and deploy an application with Kamal:

    • Docker.
    • A Docker Hub account or similar.
    • A software project with its Dockerfile.
    • Two servers with SSH access.

    Note: will need at least one server for each role. A deployment will typically need at least two machines: one for the application and one for the database. You cannot host the database on the same machine as the application.

    Ensure you have SSH access

    Before starting, ensure that you have SSH access to the deployment server. It can be any cloud, bare metal server, or even a VM on your laptop. What matters is that it already has your SSH key authorized for root access.

    $ ssh root@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS

    If that doesn’t work, but you know the root’s password, you can add your key with the following command:

    $ ssh-copy-id root@SERVER_IP_ADDRESS

    Installing MRSK

    So, now that we have our server, we can install Kamal on your local machine. Either as a Ruby Gem:

    $ gem install kamal -v 1.0.0

    Or, you can try the ready-made official Docker image by aliasing the command in your shell like this:

    $ alias kamal="docker run -it --rm -v '${PWD}:/workdir' -v '/run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock:/run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock' -e SSH_AUTH_SOCK='/run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock' -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ghcr.io/basecamp/kamal:latest"

    Since MRSK is in active development and quite new, I suggest picking a version and sticking with it to prevent updates from breaking your deployments.

    Configuring MRSK

    For this next step, we will need a project to deploy. MRSK works with any codebase as long as it includes a Dockerfile. For this tutorial, I will be using the following demo project, which exposes an API-based addressbook with PostgreSQL for persistence:

    In the project’s root folder, run:

    $ kamal init

    This will create three files:

    • config/deploy.yml: the main configuration file. It declares how to deploy the application to all your servers.
    • .env: for sensitive environment variables, including passwords and tokens. It should be added to .gitignore so it’s never checked in the repository.
    • .kamal/hooks: contains Git-like hooks. We won’t be using any of these features in this tutorial.

    The building block of Kamal deployments is called applications, which are containers running in one or more servers. They are connected to the Internet via Traefik, a reverse proxy.

    Let’s configure our deployment. To do that, open deploy.yml and edit the following values near the top of the file. Uncomment the lines as needed. You will, at the very least, need to define the following:

    • A name for the application.
    • The server IP address. This will be your application server.
    • The Docker image name without the tag.
    • Your Docker Hub username (you can also use a different registry).
    • In the registry.password add “DOCKER_PASSWORD”. This is a reference to a variable defined in .env.
    • Environment variables for the application. The values under clear are stored in plaintext. Passwords should be stored in .env, and their variable name should be listed under secret in the config file.

    I’m configuring an “addressbook” application in the example below. Its image name is TomFern/addressbook (notice the lack of tags, which are handled by Kamal). My application uses a PostgreSQL database, for which I set DB_HOST to the IP address of the db and reference the variable containing the password in .env.

    service: addressbook
    image: tomfern/addressbook
    # Deploy to these servers.
    # Credentials for your image host.
      username: tomfern
    # Environment variables
        - DB_PASSWORD

    Kamal can handle containerized dependencies like databases, caches, or search services. Kamal calls them accessories. If you need to define an accessory, scroll down the config file until you find the accessories section. Then, set the following values:

    • The db engine image name with its tag, e.g. postgres:14.
    • The db server IP address and the database port.
    • Any secrets or environment variables needed for database initialization.
    • One or more volume mappings for data persistence — so data is not wiped out when the container stops.
    • You can also define startup scripts to run during database initialization.

    The following snippet shows how to configure a PostgreSQL database accessory for our demo app:

        image: postgres:14
        port: 5432
          - /var/lib/postgresql/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

    Now, open the .env file. Fill in the password of your Docker Hub account and for the “Postgres” user in your PostgreSQL server. The value of every secret environment variable defined in deploy.yml must be set here.


    You may use the same password for POSTGRES_PASSWORD and DB_PASSWORD or create a dedicated user for the app in the database. If you do so, you’ll also need to define DB_USER in the config file like this:

    service: addressbook
    image: tomfern/addressbook
    # ...
        DB_USER: my_app_username
        - DB_PASSWORD

    Add a healthcheck route

    By default, Kamal checks that the application container is up by running curl on the /up route. You can change the healthcheck endpoint in the config file.

    Since the demo does not have a healthcheck route, let’s add one. In app.js, add the following lines:

    // app.js
    // ....
    const healthRouter = require('./routes/health');
    app.use('/up', healthRouter);
    // ...

    And create a new file called routes/health.js with the following content, which checks if the app can connect with the database:

    // routes/health.js
    const express = require('express');
    const router = express.Router();
    const db = require('../database');
    router.get("/", function(req, res) {
            .then(() => res.status(200).send(JSON.stringify({ ok: true })))
            .catch( err => res.status(500).send(JSON.stringify(err)));
    module.exports = router;

    Kamal uses curl inside the container to perform the healthcheck, so ensure that your Dockerfile installs the tool. For example:

    FROM node:18.16.0-alpine3.17
    RUN apk update && apk add curl

    Prepare servers and deploy

    We’re set to begin with the deployment. Kamal can do everything with a single command:

    $ kamal setup
    Acquiring the deploy lock
    Ensure curl and Docker are installed...
    Log into image registry...
    Build and push app image...
    Ensure Traefik is running...
    Start container with version c439617 using a 7s readiness delay (or reboot if already running)...
    Releasing the deploy lock

    This command does the following:

    1. Installs Docker on all machines.
    2. Starts Traefik in the app server.
    3. Starts the PostgreSQL container in the database server.
    4. Builds the Docker image for your application on your laptop and uploads it to Docker Hub.
    5. Pulls the image and starts the application on the server.
    6. Routes inbound traffic into the application container.

    Kamal runs a health check to verify that the application is ready to work before being exposed to the Internet. Once the check passes, Traefik routes traffic into the app’s container.

    By default, the health check is a GET request to the /up route (expecting status code 200), but you can change that in deploy.yml.

    Deployment diagram. The developer runs 'kamal build' to build the image, push it to Docker Hub and run it on the server. The application server has two containers running: the application and a Traefik instance running in reverse proxy mode. Traffic is routed to the application once the health check passes.
    Kamal deployment mechanism. The image is built into the developer’s machine, uploaded to Docker Hub, and pulled into the server. Then, a health check ensures it started correctly. Once verified, Traefik routes traffic into the application container.

    We can check what containers are running with the following:

    $ kamal details
    Traefik Host:
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS                               NAMES
    5d08d56b760b   traefik:v2.9   "/entrypoint.sh --pr…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes>80/tcp, :::80->80/tcp   traefik
    App Host:
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                          COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS      NAMES
    28acfd2cda02   tomfern/addressbook:3ecd87430ab7ab6cc30a1542784ddb75fbfd8e74   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes   3000/tcp   addressbook-web-3ecd87430ab7ab6cc30a1542784ddb75fbfd8e74
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE         COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS                                       NAMES
    a843852686b6   postgres:14   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp   addressbook-db

    As you can see, Kamal tags every built image with a unique identifier, allowing us to track changes, rolling back and forwards as needed.

    Before testing the application, we should run any database migration/setup scripts to initialize its contents. Kamal allows us to run commands in running containers with the following:

    $ kamal app exec "npm run migrate"

    Finally, we can test the application, which should be ready to receive user requests.

    $ curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
    "id": 1,
    "firstName": "David",
    "lastName": "Bowie"
    $ curl
      "firstName": "David",
      "lastName": "Bowie",
      "id": 1,
      "updatedAt": "2023-04-30T22:44:29.115Z",
      "createdAt": "2023-04-30T22:44:29.115Z"

    Deploying updates with Kamal

    Let’s make a change to the application so we can see how Kamal handles updates. In the demo code, we have a /persons API endpoint; it would be a good idea to version it. So let’s change this line in app.js:

    app.use('/persons', personsRouter);

    Change the line so the base endpoint route is /persons/v1/.

    app.use('/persons/v1', personsRouter);

    The fastest way to update the container with rolling deployments is by executing kamal redeploy, which does away with a few tasks like checking whether Docker is installed in all servers.

    $ kamal redeploy
    Acquiring the deploy lock
    Running docker buildx build
    Running docker image rm --force tomfern/addressbook:7db892 on
    Running docker pull tomfern/addressbook:latest on
    Health check against /up succeeded with 200 OK!
    Finished all in 35.8 seconds
    Releasing the deploy lock

    The redeploy command will rebuild the image, upload it to Docker Hub and start it on the application server. As soon as the health check passes, the traffic is routed to the new version, and the old container shuts down.

    Redeployment mechanism. Same as in the last diagram, but this time, we have two application container instances, the old and the new. Once the health check passes on the new instance, the traffic is switched over, and the old container is stopped.
    Kamal redeploy mechanism. A new instance of the application is built and deployed. Once its health check passes, traffic is routed to the new instance, and the old one is shut down.

    After deployment, we can check that the new route is working:

    $ curl
        "id": 1,
        "firstName": "David",
        "lastName": "Bowie",
        "createdAt": "2023-05-07T17:41:45.580Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-05-07T17:41:45.580Z"

    Rolling back updates with Kamal

    Kamal gives us a safe path for rolling back updates. If the new version is causing trouble, we can return to the last working version with a single command.

    To rollback, first, we need to find which images are available on the server with the following:

    $ kamal app containers
    App Host:
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                          COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                     PORTS      NAMES
    f648fec5f604   tomfern/addressbook:66347a86f8a123e35492dd43463540c23f7db892   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 minutes ago   Up 4 minutes               3000/tcp   addressbook-web-66347a86f8a123e35492dd43463540c23f7db892
    b3b1d13b8a1c   9500e07b6387                                                   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   9 minutes ago   Exited (1) 4 minutes ago              addressbook-web-66347a86f8a123e35492dd43463540c23f7db892_05d41f3ba39d2b1b
    ce4a5c31e6fc   tomfern/addressbook:f043325e3984ec245a94b21bd236afcc537a9739   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 hours ago     Exited (1) 9 minutes ago              addressbook-web-f043325e3984ec245a94b21bd236afcc537a9739

    We can see that the previous version was tagged as “f043325e3984ec245a94b21bd236afcc537a9739”. We can run kamal rollback <VERSION> to go back to it. For example:

    $ kamal rollback f043325e3984ec245a94b21bd236afcc537a9739

    If the container does not exist on the server — Kamal routinely prunes older images — you can always look up the last good version in Docker Hub or by checking the logs in your CI/CD platform.

    Rollback diagram. This diagram is like the last one but in reverse. The old instance starts from the Docker cache, and traffic is routed to the old version.

    Once you’re done with your application, you can remove everything, including the database, with kamal remove. This will destroy the database, remove Docker and stop all applications.

    Kamal‘s limitations

    Kamal development is ongoing, so we may expect behavior changes and new breaking features in the future. But do not mistake its newness for immaturity; 37signals has reportedly begun using it to move away from the cloud with great success already.

    That being said, there are a few things Kamal cannot do, and that makes it a bad fit for some use cases:

    • The default behavior is to expose the application’s HTTP port without SSL. You are supposed to set up an SSL terminator, a load balancer, or a CDN in front of the whole deployment.
    • Containers cannot communicate between themselves within the same server. This is by design. You can always configure Docker networks server-side manually. But it’s better to stick to one server per role, so putting the application and the database on the same machine is a bad idea.
    • You will need to configure a firewall in front of your whole setup to ensure users can only access the web application.
    • If you want to distribute the load among many servers, you should set up a load balancer in front of your servers. Kamal does not provide this feature.

    In this diagram, we have two application servers, each with its own Traefik proxy running on the same machine. Because Kamal does not do load balancing when multiple servers are involved, we need to add a load balancer in front of both application servers.
    Kamal is designed for each server to have one role and does not provide load balancing or SSL termination. You need to handle it by yourself.

    At the end of the day, Kamal offers a simplified workflow — especially when compared with beasts like Kubernetes — by not trying to handle every aspect of the system.

    Deploying applications with Kamal and CI/CD

    Kamal can be easily integrated into Continuous Integration and Delivery to get automated deployments. This section will show how to configure a Semaphore CI/CD workflow for continuous deployment. If you’ve never used Semaphore, check out our getting started guide.

    First, we’ll need to configure a couple of secrets. Secrets are Semaphore’s way of storing sensitive data such as passwords or API keys.

    Log in or create an account on Semaphore. Then, go to your organization in the top right corner and select Settings > Secrets.

    Use the New Secret button to create a secret called “mask-deploy”. Set the values as follows:

    • POSTGRES_PASSWORD: with the database “postgres” password.
    • Files: Upload your SSH keys (public and private) to the path /home/semaphore/.ssh/ as shown in the picture below. These are needed for Semaphore to access your servers via SSH.

    Editing a secret called mask-deploy. It defines a variable called POSTGRES_PASSWORD and two SSH key files in the path /home/semaphore/.ssh
    Editing a secret called mask-deploy. It defines a variable called POSTGRES_PASSWORD and two SSH key files in the path /home/semaphore/.ssh

    Next, create a second secret called “dockerhub” with your Docker Hub credentials, as shown below. This is required to push images into the Docker Registry.

    Creating a dockerhub secret. We define two variables: DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD
    Creating a dockerhub secret. We define two variables: DOCKER_USERNAME and DOCKER_PASSWORD

    Now open or add your project in Semaphore. This will connect Semaphore to your repository. If you don’t already have a CI pipeline, you can select one of the examples or create your own.

    Select +Add Promotion to create a continuous deployment pipeline. Select the new pipeline and type the following commands in the Prologue. This pins the Kamal and Ruby versions, so updates keep our automated deployment intact.

    The workflow visual editor in Semaphore shows an empty pipeline. On the right side, we define commands in the global prologue.
    The workflow visual editor in Semaphore shows an empty pipeline. On the right side, we define commands in the global prologue.

    Now click on Add Block and type the following commands in the job. Then, enable the “dockerhub” and “mask-deploy” secrets.

    echo "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" | docker login -u "${DOCKER_USERNAME}" --password-stdin
    kamal build create
    kamal redeploy

    The workflow visual editor in Semaphore shows a block with a single job called deploy. It contains the deployment commands and has the kamal-deploy and dockerhub secrets enabled.
    The workflow visual editor in Semaphore shows a block with a single job called deploy. It contains the deployment commands and has the kamal-deploy and dockerhub secrets enabled.

    Finally, we’ll create a job to migrate the database, in case the new version includes schema changes. Select Add Block and type the following commands in the job.

    kamal app exec --reuse "npm run migrate"

    The workflow visual editor in Semaphore shows the migrate block. It shows the migrate commands and has the kamal-deploy secret enabled.
    The workflow visual editor in Semaphore shows the migrate block. It shows the migrate commands and has the Kamal-deploy secret enabled

    Enable the “mask-deploy” secret and select Run the workflow. Wait for the CI pipeline to be done. Then, press the Deploy to Prod button to run the deployment pipeline.

    The final deployment pipeline with two jobs: Deploy and Migrate.
    The final continuous deployment pipeline.

    And we’re done! Congratulations on automating your deployment with CI/CD and Kamal. You can see the final state of the code and pipeline in the “mrsk” branch of the demo repository:


    If you experience issues with deployment try the following:

    • If the healthcheck fails, ensure tht curl is installed in the application container image.
    • If it still fails after ensuring curl is installed, check that connectivity works between the application and the database. You may need to configure a VPS or set firewall rules.
    • You can try starting the images manually by running the docker exec commands in the machines to see the output of the logs. These will help you find the root cause of the problem.

    If you get an error message stating that there is a lock, run kamal lock release. This can happen when Kamal fails during deployment and the admin lock is not released.


    Kamal is minimalistic to the point of elegance. By combining traditional servers with the flexibility of containers, it allows us to run our containerized services with ease on any server.

    Kamal presents a compelling solution if you’re seeking to optimize your software deployments, reduce vendor lock-in, and maintain flexibility in choosing deployment environments while enjoying the benefits of cloud-native architectures.

    One thought on “Breaking Free From the Cloud With Kamal: Just Enough Orchestration for Your Apps

    1. Very helpful, guys. Thanks.

      That said, you have 6 references to MRSK where it seems only the first one (explaining the rename) should remain. Is that really intentional or just an editing oversight? (Btw, there’s also mention of it in several of the slides, but I realize those may be harder to change.)

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    I picked up most of my skills during the years I worked at IBM. Was a DBA, developer, and cloud engineer for a time. After that, I went into freelancing, where I found the passion for writing. Now, I'm a full-time writer at Semaphore.
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    I picked up most of my soft/hardware troubleshooting skills in the US Army. A decade of Java development drove me to operations, scaling infrastructure to cope with the thundering herd. Engineering coach and CTO of Teleclinic.