Technical Writing for Humans (P.S. I Love You)

Taking the time to write down the dirty details of technical discovery and exploration is a deeply rewarding, yet often skipped chore. Everything from procrastination to fear, uncertainty and doubt block us from sharing our knowledge.

In this free talk, we’ll discover how to take the first steps in publishing your work and ideas online for all.

Who is it intended for?

Everyone, but especially folks who haven’t done technical writing for an audience before. This is a motivational presentation meant to convince those on the edge to take the leap and convey to others their hard won experiences.

When? May 4th, 16:00 CET – 10 AM US Eastern Time

Technical Writing Meetup

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    Semaphore’s blog has gotten over 2.5M people readers worldwide in 2022. Writing with Semaphore is a great opportunity to:

    • Share your knowledge with a worldwide developer community.
    • Grow your personal brand.
    • Become a better technical writer by collaborating with an accomplished team of technical writers and editors.
    • Get paid while doing so.