22 Apr 2020 Β· Software Engineering

    Testing Ansible Roles with Semaphore

    9 min read


    If you are even slightly familiar with configuration management, you have probably heard of Ansible before.

    In short, Ansible is a configuration management tool that allows you to manage nodes over SSH or PowerShell written in Python. Ansible then uses YAML to express reusable descriptions of systems.

    The most simplistic usage is sending ad-hoc commands or one big playbook to (multiple) nodes. However, that’s not where its true power lies. As a developer or system engineer, you want to be able to re-use your code. This is where Ansible roles come in.

    Ansible Roles

    An Ansible role is a collection of tasks that need to be performed so you can achieve a certain outcome.

    As a best practice, you want your role to focus on only one thing. As the Unix philosophy states: do one thing, and do it well.

    So, in this example, we will create a role for installing the Erlang programming language.

    Ansible roles have the following structure:

    # Role structure:

    Role Default Variables

    The defaults/main.yml file is for configuring some default variables that will be used throughout the execution of the role. By adding them to the defaults/main.yml file, you can easily overwrite values later if you need to.

    Our default values look as follows:

    erlang_ppa_repo: 'deb http://packages.erlang-solutions.com/{{ ansible_distribution | lower }} {{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }} contrib'
    erlang_ppa_key: 'http://packages.erlang-solutions.com/ubuntu/erlang_solutions.asc'
    erlang_ppa_key_id: 'A14F4FCA'
      - erlang

    Let’s break down the variables:

    erlang_ppa_repo: this is the repository address used by the Aptitude package manager.

    erlang_ppa_key: the location of the PPA key to verify the package integrity

    erlang_ppa_key_id: the ID of the PPA key

    erlang_packages: contains a list of packages you want to install

    Role Tasks

    In your tasks folder, you can store all the tasks that need to be executed on the nodes. To install Erlang on our node, we need to execute 3 tasks:

    - name: repository - add the GPG key
        url: '{{ erlang_ppa_key }}'
        id: '{{ erlang_ppa_key_id }}'
        state: present
      when: erlang_ppa_key != None
    - name: add repository to install Erlang from
        repo: '{{ erlang_ppa_repo }}'
        update_cache: yes
      when: erlang_ppa_repo != None
    - name: install packages
        pkg: '{{ item }}'
        state: installed
        update_cache: yes
        cache_valid_time: 3600
      with_items: erlang_packages

    In the first task, we add the GPG key to Aptitude, while the second task adds the repository. Both tasks have a conditional. This is to check if the erlang_ppa_key and erlang_ppa_repo are filled in. If those variables are not filled in, Ansible will skip those tasks.

    For instance, you might not wish to install Erlang for another PPA, but just want to install the package from the default distro repositories.

    The last task will install all the packages defined in the erlang_packages variable. In our case, the Erlang package.

    How to Determine What to Test

    Before continuing with the content of the test directory, let’s take some time to think about what exactly we want to test.

    There are 3 points you need to consider:

    1. Is the YAML syntax of my role correct? Even though writing YAML is easy, everyone makes typos once in a while.
    2. Does your role run through all tasks without failing?
    3. Is your role built in an idempotent way? This means that a second run cannot create new changes.

    Now that we have a clear view on what we will be testing, it’s time to put things into practice.

    Setting Up the Test Environment

    As you saw in the role structure, we have 2 files inside our tests directory. The name of this directory can be chosen freely, but it’s a good convention to keep the name as clear as possible.

    Playbook Inventory

    The inventory file contains the nodes you want to access. Since we will be testing our role on Semaphore, we will be adding localhost to the file


    We will eventually use the command’s --connection=local option to tell Ansible to run the test playbook on the local machine.

    Playbook Play

    The tests.yml file is where we define our actual play.

    - hosts: all
        - { role: ../../ansible-role-erlang, sudo: Yes }

    Here we tell Ansible to run this play on all nodes: hosts: all. In the roles list, we define our Erlang role that needs to be executed. With the sudo: Yes variable, we tell Ansible to run the tasks as a super user.

    Configuring Test Tasks

    You’ll need to define your build settings inside the Semaphore interface. You can do this by going to the Project Settings and selecting Build Settings.

    Semaphore Build settings

    Inside your build settings, you can start by adding the build command that you need. For each build setting, you can select when a certain command needs to be executed. Semaphore gives you 4 options:

    • During setup
    • After a thread is finished (post-thread)
    • In thread 1
    • In thread 2

    Thread 1 and 2 make it easy for you to run certain tests in parallel, which can speed up things.

    Before you can start running tests, you’ll need to set up your build environment. Use these 3 build commands to set up your environment:

    sudo apt-get update -qq
    sudo apt-get install -qq python-apt
    pip install ansible==1.9.1

    Here you are saying that apt-get needs to update its package list, install the python-apt package through apt, and then install Ansible version 1.9.1 through pip. You can omit the Ansible version if you like. Then the latest Ansible version will be installed.

    You can also install Ansible through Aptitude, but this will require you to configure the Ansible PPA before installing. As you can see below, there are some extra steps to take into account, which will slow down your build time.

    sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible
    sudo apt-get update -qq
    sudo apt-get install python-apt ansible

    Keep in mind that you might need to install other Python libraries as well. This depends on the modules you will be using. Ansible will raise an exception when you run your role if a Python library is still missing. If it does, just add it to the list.

    Assign these commands to the Setup thread.

    Semaphore build setup

    1. Test Your Role Syntax

    The first item in our list is testing the role syntax. The ansible-playbook command has a built-in command for this, that will check a playbook’s syntax (and all files included in a role).

    ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test.yml --syntax-check

    Assign this command to Thread #1. If your role contains any syntax errors, the build will fail.

    Semaphore role syntax test

    2. Test Your First Role Run

    After we have checked the syntax, we will want to make sure our role runs correctly. So, we run the ansible-playbook command against the test.yml playbook on the local host. In the ansible-playbook command, we specify the --sudo option to run the command as a super user and specify our test inventory file:

    ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test.yml --connection=local --sudo

    Ansible returns a non-zero exit if the playbook fails, so Semaphore knows whether the command has succeeded or not. Assign this build command to Thread #2. By assigning this command to a new thread, we can run the role syntax test and first run in parallel.

    Semaphore first role run

    3. Test Your Role Idempotency

    After our first test has run successfully, it is now time to test the role idempotency again. This basically means testing if your role changes anything if it runs a second time. This should not be the case, since all tasks you perform via Ansible should be idempotent.

    ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test.yml --connection=local --sudo | tee /tmp/output.txt; grep -q 'changed=0.*failed=0' /tmp/output.txt && (echo 'Idempotence test: pass' && exit 0) || (echo 'Idempotence test: fail' && exit 1)

    As you can see, this is the exact same Ansible command as before. The only difference here is that we pipe the Ansible output to the tee utility. Tee does 2 things β€” it pipes it to the file /tmp/output.txt and shows it at the same time. We then grep the /tmp/output.txt file to make sure that both the changed and failed output report 0. If they do, then the idempotency test passes, and we exit with 0 (OK). Otherwise, it fails, and we exit with 1. This way, Semaphore knows if our test has passed or failed.

    Assign this test to Thread #2. You don’t want to assign this test to Thread #1, because otherwise your test will fail due to the fact your first run happens in Thread #2.

    Semaphore idempotency test

    Ready… Set… Test

    Now that your build settings are all configured, you are all set. Once you start committing changes to your repository, Semaphore will start running your tests.

    The only thing left to do is to get your Semaphore build badge, and show the world your role is fully functional.

    Semaphore test build


    There are of course some points you need to consider.

    • Semaphore currently runs Ubuntu 14.04. If your Ansible roles are targeting other versions or platforms, you could use a Docker container inside your build.
    • The Semaphore builds also come with some pre-installed software packages, so make sure to purge those if you are running a role that targets an already pre-installed package. For instance, Semaphore comes with MySQL pre-installed. In this pre-installation, the password for the root user has already been set, while on a clean installation, the root password will be blank. Another example could be if you create a role for installing nginx. Semaphore comes with Apache pre-installed. So, your Ansible role could fail when you try to start nginx, since port 80 will already be in use.
    • The Semaphore team update their platform regularly, so keep your eyes open for any updates. It could be that a platform update conflicts with what you want to achieve with a certain role.

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    Writen by:
    MichaΓ«l is a DevOps enthusiast / freelance software engineer. Loves writing Ruby and automate all the things. The more we share, the more we have.