10 Dec 2024 · Software Engineering

    TDD vs. BDD: What’s the Difference? (Complete Comparison)

    12 min read

    When it comes to testing, Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) are two of the most widely used methodologies. While the terms “TDD” and “BDD” are often used interchangeably, they represent distinct approaches involving different goals and stakeholders. It is important to understand the key differences between them to avoid confusion.

    TDD focuses on complete coverage of code functionality by writing tests before the actual code implementation. In contrast, BDD is about capturing and validating business requirements through tests written in natural language, making them accessible and understandable to all stakeholders.

    In this TDD vs BDD article, you will learn what Test-Driven Development and Behavior-Driven Development are, how they work, when to use each, and whether they can be combined effectively.

    Let’s dive in!

    What Is TDD (Test-Driven Development)?

    TDD, short for Test-Driven Development, is a proven software development methodology where tests are written before the actual code. The technique follows a straightforward cycle:

    1. Write a test for a new feature
    2. Create the minimum code needed to pass the test
    3. Refactor the code while ensuring the test still passes

    This approach promotes better design, enforcing code correctness, and leads to higher-quality software.

    TDD is attributed to Kent Beck, who introduced it in the late 1990s as part of Extreme Programming—an Agile methodology aimed at improving software quality and the development process.

    Over time, TDD gained widespread popularity, especially within Agile development. Today, it is a cornerstone of modern software engineering, particularly in environments that prioritize automated testing.

    How to Apply TDD

    At its core, Test-Driven Development (TDD) follows a repetitive cycle:

    tdd vs bdd

    The cycle in the above diagram is often summarized as Red-Green-Refactor. This process begins with the essential initial step of creating a list of test cases. From this list, you need to select one test and apply the Red-Green-Refactor cycle to it. Once completed, move to the next test in the list.

    Note: Prioritizing test cases in the right order is key to efficiently addressing the most critical points in the design.

    The loop is repeated for all test cases until the desired functionality is fully implemented. By breaking development into these manageable steps, TDD guides iterative and controllable progress.

    Now, let’s explore the three main steps of the cycle in detail: RedGreen, and Refactor.

    Step #1: Red Phase

    The cycle begins by writing a test that defines the next bit of functionality. This phase is called “Red” since the test must fail, as the corresponding code does not exist yet.


    • Provides a clear, incremental development goal
    • Forces you to focus on requirements and expected behavior before implementation

    Potential issues:

    • Writing meaningful tests without the corresponding code can be challenging
    • Poorly structured tests may lead to ambiguity or misdirection in the next phase

    Step #2: Green Phase

    The objective of this phase is to write just enough code to make the test pass. That code does not have to be perfect or optimized—it just needs to work.


    • Encourages minimalism, avoiding over-engineering
    • Quickly validates functionality, giving confidence in the code

    Potential issues:

    • Focusing solely on passing the test might result in rushed, unstructured code
    • Tests with unclear objectives may lead to flawed implementations

    Step #3: Refactor Phase

    After the test passes, you need to improve the structure and quality of both new and existing code without altering the functionality under test.


    • Leads clean, maintainable, and extensible code
    • Reduces technical debt by addressing redundancies and inefficiencies

    Potential issues:

    • Developers may skip this phase, leading to messy, hard-to-maintain code
    • Poor refactoring can introduce new issues if not carefully validated

    TDD Tools and Frameworks

    Here is a list of some of the most popular and used TDD tools and frameworks:

    • Jest: A leading testing framework in the JavaScript ecosystem. Jest is designed for modern web applications and requires minimal configuration. It comes with built-in support for mocking, snapshot testing, and test coverage. See how to write unit tests using Jest in Node.js.
    • JUnit: A widely adopted framework for Java development. JUnit simplifies writing and running unit tests. It offers annotations for test methods and integrates seamlessly with IDEs and build tools like Maven and Gradle.
    • pytest: A versatile and feature-packed testing framework for Python. pytest excels in supporting fixtures, parameterized tests, and plugins. Learn more in our guide on how to test Python applications with pytest.
    • NUnit: A popular testing technology within the .NET ecosystem. NUnit provides a robust framework for writing and executing unit tests. It supports parameterized tests, setup/teardown methods, and a rich assertion library for TDD in .NET projects.

    Test-Driven Development Example

    Now that you understand what TDD is, how it works, and the tools you can use to implement it, it is time to see a complete Test-Driven Development example.

    Imagine you want to implement a feature to check whether a string is a palindrome. We will use Jest as the testing framework, but any other TDD tool will work.

    This is the textual description of the functionality to implement:

    “Check whether a given word or phrase is the same when read backward as it is forward (i.e., it is a palindrome).”

    In the Red phase, you can write the following high-level test cases to verify both possible outcomes:

    import { isPalindrome } from "utils.js"
    describe("isPalindrome", () => {
      it("should return true for a palindrome string", () => {
        // Arrange
        const input = "radar"
        const expectedOutput = true
        // Act
        const result = isPalindrome(input)
        // Assert
      it("should return false for a non-palindrome string", () => {
        // Arrange
        const input = "hello"
        const expectedOutput = false
        // Act
        const result = isPalindrome(input)
        // Assert

    Keep in mind that the Red phase of TDD can involve writing multiple failing tests, especially when dealing with simple functionality that covers only a few possible scenarios. At this stage, running the tests will fail because the isPalindrome() function does not exist yet.

    Note: These tests follow the AAA (Arrange, Act, Assert) pattern.

    Next, in the Green phase, you have implement the isPalindrome() function to make the tests pass:

    // utils.js
    export function isPalindrome(inputStr) {
      return inputStr === inputStr.split("").reverse().join("")

    With this implementation, running the test case implemented earlier will now pass.

    Finally, complete the Refactor phase to make the code capable of handling edge cases and more robust:

    function isPalindrome(inputStr) {
      // to handle empty strings
      if (!inputStr) {
        return true
      // normalize the input string to make the function
      // more robust
      const normalizedStr = inputStr.toLowerCase()
      return normalizedStr === normalizedStr.split("").reverse().join("")

    Congratulations! You just used TDD to successfully implement the isPalindrome() function matching the desired functionality.

    Get ready to dive into Behavior-Driven Development and compare it with TDD in this TDD vs BDD discussion!

    What Is BDD (Behavior-Driven Development)?

    BDD, short for Behavior-Driven Development, is a collaborative software development approach that extends Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD) by emphasizing communication and shared understanding among all team members.

    BDD enhances TDD and ATDD with the following principles:

    • Apply the “five whys” to each proposed user story, ensuring its purpose aligns with business outcomes. If you are not familiar with that term, a “user story” is an informal, natural language description that outlines the features, functionality, or requirements of a software application from the perspective of the end user.
    • Think “from the outside in,” focusing on implementing only behaviors that directly contribute to these business outcomes.
    • Use a simple, unified language for describing behaviors, accessible to domain experts, testers, and developers, to improve communication.
    • Apply these practices throughout the software’s abstraction layers, paying attention to behavior distribution, making future changes easier and more cost-effective.

    In simpler terms, Behavior-Driven Development defines the expected behavior of a software system using scenarios in natural language. This way, both technical and non-technical stakeholders can understand.

    As explained by Dan North in his article “Introducing BDD” published in 2006, Behavior-Driven Development tries to address the challenges of TDD in writing effective tests. The ultimate goal is to bridge the gap between technical testing and business needs by framing tests as examples of desired behavior.

    How to Perform BDD

    Implementing BDD revolves around writing behavior examples and then developing automated tests to verify that the software behaves as expected. This process usually involves three steps:

    1. Discovery: Understand the requirements
    2. Formulation: Define the acceptance criteria
    3. Automation: Turn acceptance criteria into automated tests

    Let’s explore those steps in detail!

    Step#1: Discovery

    In this phase, the team collaborates to turn business requirements into user stories. A user story provides a clear, concise description of the behavior to be implemented. For example:

    “As a user, I want to be able to log in to my account so that I can access my dashboard.”

    The goal is to ensure that everyone on the team understands the feature’s purpose and the value it delivers to users. After defining the user story, developers, testers, designers, and managers work together to also create initial acceptance criteria. These specify potential scenarios and edge cases to clarify expectations.

    Step #2: Formulation Phase

    During this phase, broad acceptance criteria established earlier are refined into specific scenarios. Initially, acceptance criteria may be vague or general. For example, the discovery phase might provide the following high-level acceptance criterion for the login user story:

    “A user should be able to log in to their account with valid credentials.”

    The purpose of this phase is to translate them into clear and concrete examples of the expected system behavior. That eliminates misunderstandings between business and technical teams.

    To achieve the result, user stories are transformed into structured BDD scenarios—generally expressed through the “Given-When-Then” format:

    • Given: Describe the initial state or pre-condition of the system before the behavior occurs.
    • When: Describe the action or behavior being performed.
    • Then: Describe the expected result or outcome of the behavior.

    During the formulation phase, the simple criterion presented above can refined into a more detailed BDD scenario:

    Scenario: Successful login
      Given the user is on the login page
      When the user enters valid credentials
      Then they should be redirected to their dashboard

    This scenario is written using Gherkin syntax, which is commonly supported by tools like Cucumber. This format ensures that all team members have a shared understanding of the feature’s behavior.

    Step #3: Automation Phase

    The BDD scenario from the previous phase is automated through an acceptance test built using a BDD framework. Initially, the automated test will fail because the feature has not been implemented yet. However—as development progresses—and the code of the feature is implemented, the test will pass, validating that the feature works as intended.

    Behavior-Driven Development Example

    Consider a Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) example to better understand how this methodology works.

    Suppose the discovery phase lead to the following user story:

    “As a user, I want to be able to sum two numbers”

    That can be translated into a specific BDD scenario:

      Given two numbers, 5 and 3
      When they are summed
      Then the result should be 8

    Below is an acceptance test implemented with Jest, which also supports a BDD-like syntax:

    import { sum } from "mathUtils.js"
    describe("Calculator", () => {
      it("should add two numbers correctly", () => {
        // Given
        const num1 = 5
        const num2 = 3
        // When
        const result = num1 + num2
        // Then

    This automated test implements the Given-When-Then specifications. In particular, the describe() and it() methods are in line with in line with BDD principles as they allow you to structure tests in a human-readable format.

    BDD Tools

    Below is a list of some of the most widely used BDD frameworks and tools:

    • Cucumber: A BDD framework that supports writing tests in Gherkin syntax, enabling collaboration between business and technical teams. Find out more in our article on writing acceptance tests with Cucumber.
    • Behave: A Python-based BDD framework that uses Gherkin syntax to define test cases, making it easy to validate application behavior against requirements.
    • SpecFlow: A .NET BDD framework that supports Gherkin syntax and integrates well with testing tools like NUnit, MSTest, and xUnit for behavior validation.
    • Behat: A PHP-based BDD framework, using Gherkin to describe application behavior in readable language, useful for functional testing.
    • Ginkgo: A BDD-style testing framework for Go, supporting expressive tests written in a behavior-driven manner.

    Can BDD and TDD Coexist?

    TL:DR: Yes, BDD and TDD can coexist and should be used together for maximum synergy.

    To better understand the role of TDD and BDD in a software development cycle, take a look at the diagram below:

    tdd vs bdd

    As shown in the image, TDD focuses on verifying that individual components function correctly through several iterations of the Red-Green-Refactor loop (the inner cycle on the right). On the other hand, BDD loop (the broader outer cycle) emphasizes collaboration and aligns the system’s behavior with user expectations.

    When used together, BDD shapes the development process by guiding it to meet user stories and business goals, while TDD enforces that the code is well-tested and reliable. The two methodologies serve complementary roles and work in tandem. It is no surprise that many testing tools accommodate both the TDD methodology and the creation of automated tests through BDD-like syntax, just like Jest.

    TDD addresses technical correctness, while BDD focuses on aligning code with user behavior. Together, they create a feedback loop that continuously improves both code quality and user satisfaction.

    TDD vs BDD: Summary Table

    Explore the differences between Test-Driven Development and Behavior-Driven Development in the TDD vs BDD comparison table below:

    AspectTest-Driven DevelopmentBehavior-Driven Development
    CreatorsKent Beck and othersDan North and others
    Creation timeLate 1990sEarly 2000s
    InspirationsExtreme ProgrammingTest-Driven Development (TDD) and Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)
    GoalVerify code correctness at a granular levelVerify the system’s behavior aligns with user requirements and expectations
    Phases– Red (Write failing test)
    – Green (Make test pass)
    – Refactor (Improve code)
    – Discovery (Understand requirements)
    – Formulation (Write scenarios)
    – Automation (Write automated tests)
    FocusEnsure that individual units of code work correctlyEnsure that the software behaves as expected from the user’s perspective
    TeamDevelopers, QA engineers, and other technical rolesDevelopers, QA engineers, testers, and non-technical stakeholders


    In this BDD vs TDD comparison guide, you learned about the differences between Behavior-Driven Development and Test-Driven Development. While BDD and TDD are often mistaken for one another, they represent two distinct methodologies—each with its unique characteristics and tools.

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