The upcoming platform update is scheduled for July 21st, 2015. Bundler gets an update with version 1.10.5. You can read more about the improvements and changes in Bundler’s official announcement.
How to Set Up a Clojure Environment with Ansible
Introduction In this tutorial, we will walk through the process of setting up a local environment for Clojure development using the Ansible configuration management tool. Ansible and Clojure are a perfect fit, as both place an emphasis on simplicity and building with small, focused components. While we will not cover the Clojure development process specifically, […]
Introducing Continuous Integration for Go on Semaphore
Today we’re happy to announce our next step in platform expansion with full support for continuous integration of Go projects on Semaphore. Go: programming language of the future Rob Pike described the reason behind creating Go as follows: “The goals of the Go project were to eliminate the slowness and clumsiness of software development at […]
Platform update on June 23rd
The upcoming platform update is scheduled for June 23rd, 2015. Bundler gets an update with version 1.9.9.Cassandra has been updated to version 2.1.6.
How to Use Capistrano to Deploy a Rails Application to a Puma Server
Introduction Deploying a Ruby on Rails application involves a number of steps, such as copying source code files, running database migrations, pre or post-compiling assets and restarting the web server. Our goal as developer should be to automate this procedure down to a single command we can run at any time. There are tools that […]
Applying BDD to Ruby on Rails Web Applications
Introduction Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a software development practice of working in a short feedback loop, where we consistently apply test-driven development to every new feature we are exploring and working on. For a detailed introduction to the practice of BDD, you should read our article Behavior-driven Development. This article focuses on applying these principles […]
Elixir Continuous Integration Now Available on Semaphore
It’s our pleasure to announce that, as of today, Semaphore officially supports continuous integration and deployment of Elixir applications. Elixir: Functional programming for everyone Elixir was born out of the need for better concurency and higher productivity in the rock solid Erlang virtual machine called BEAM. Deriving from the fact that it compiles to Erlang […]
Platform update on May 19th
The upcoming platform update is scheduled for May 19th, 2015. Bundler gets an update with version 1.9.7.Cassandra is now on version 2.1.5.
Platform update on April 21st
The upcoming platform update is scheduled for April 21st.
Bundler gets an update with version 1.9.3 incorporating the new Molinillo dependency resolver and the performance improvements from version 1.8.
Get Paid to Write Tutorials
Calling all developers who write! These tutorials will be featured on Semaphore community site and we will credit the author of the content.
Scala Support on Semaphore
We’re happy to announce that as of today, Semaphore officially supports continuous integration and deployment of Scala applications.
Automatic Security Testing of Rails Applications Using Brakeman
Introduction Brakeman is a tool that scans a Ruby on Rails application for common vulnerabilities. It’s a static code analyzer that can help you find security problems before you release the application. Since you can introduce a vulnerability at any stage of you development process, it’s obvious that Brakeman should scan your application as often […]
Unit Tests for Chef Cookbooks With ChefSpec
The Agile movement brought many fresh ideas which enriched the world of software development and changed way how we look to it. This philosophy left marks on how we look our infrastructure too. By treating the infrastructure equally important as other parts of the project, there was a need for making sure that infrastructure is […]
Testing Clojure With Expectations
Introduction Clojure is shipped with clojure.test — a library with basic features for writing tests. However, there are a few alternatives that aim to make writing tests more pleasant or more suitable for BDD. Expectations by Jay Fields is one of them, described as “a minimalist’s unit testing framework” with the slogan “adding signal, removing […]
Testing Clojure Web Applications with Selenium
Selenium is a commonly used set of tools for automating browsers. It allows you to drive a browser interaction with a web page by writing code. It’s most often used to write browser-based tests for web applications. Tests can be executed in a development environment or even on a real application as part of a […]