The upcoming platform update is scheduled for September 27th, 2016.
Bundler has been updated to version 1.13.0.
ChromeDriver gets an update with version 2.24.
Firefox ESR receives an update with version 45.3.0.
Go gets an update with version 1.7.1.
JRuby gets two version updates, namely 1.7.26 and
MySQL gets a version update with 5.6.33.
PHP receives two updates with versions 5.6.26 and 7.0.11.
RethinkDB gets an update with version 2.3.5.
wkhtmltopdf has been updated to version 0.12.3.
New things
The following additions will be available after switching to the release candidate platform.
Amazon ECS CLI version 0.4.4 is now part of the platform.
NodeJS 6.6.0 and 4.5.0 have been added to the platform. To use them in your builds, add nvm use 6.6 or nvm use 4.5 to your build commands. These versions will be selectable in Project Settings after the release candidate period.
Trying the new platform
To ensure that the updates are compatible with your current setup, please switch to the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS v1609 (release candidate) platform in Project Settings > Platform. We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback and requirements, which will help us to fix the potential issues and tailor the platform to better suit your needs. The release candidate period will last until September 27th, 2016.
Changes in the final release
The Docker-enabled platform gets an update with docker-engine version 1.12.1.
A full list of changes is available in the platform changelog.