We changed our URL from semaphoreapp.com to semaphoreci.com.
You may wonder why we did it. Back in the day when Semaphore was just an idea in our heads the concept of “continuous integration” (CI) wasn’t that widely spread. It seemed like a good idea to us to append the suffix “app” to compose an available domain name. Over time we’ve noticed many people think that it’s a part of the name of the service. Now we are dropping the “app” for “ci” to be more easily recognised as a CI service.
Nothing else changes. We are still the same Semaphore as you know us. Same people, same ideas and a slightly different URL.
We will also be supporting all v1 API actions at semaphoreapp.com until the end of 2015.
If you enjoy using Semaphore, you can help us spread the word about our service by mentioning our new Twitter handle @semaphoreci in a nice tweet. Every mention helps. We appreciate your support!