The upcoming platform update is scheduled for Wednesday, September 24th, 2014 and is our first release to be based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
With this update we’re introducing release candidate platforms which can be selected in project settings. From now on when we announce an update, you can immediately try it out.
Choosing between platforms in project settings.
We hope that this will ease the transition between updates. Keep in mind that these platforms are in a pre-release state and some things may not work as expected until the final release day. The current platform will be still available after the update so you can always fallback to it if needed.
We encourage you to send us your feedback and suggestions so that the final platform releases are in a sparkling condition and ready for you projects.
Platform version naming and update schedule
This month we’re beginning a more structured process of platform update management. Each version will be named according to a simple YYMM convention, for example this month’s version is 1409. We will release an update every month. If there are incremental or bugfix releases in the ongoing month, that version will have a minor increment, eg 1409.1.
Each month’s release is considered a major version. When a new major version is released, we will always keep the previous version available in project settings until the next major version release.
Projects using the latest major version will always be automatically upgraded to the new major version as soon at the time of its final release. Projects using an older major version will be upgraded to the latest one the moment their old platform version is dropped.
Ubuntu 12.04 end of life
To help all our users avoid any problems, this month we are releasing platform updates based on both Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04. There will be no further platform updates based on Ubuntu 12.04; Semaphore platform version 1409 will be the last one. It will remain available until January 1st, 2015.
This month’s updates (v1409)
Firefox goes up to version 32, requiring bundle update selenium-webdriver for most projects that use that gem.
ElasticSearch is updated to version 1.3.2.
Ruby gets two updates with 1.9.2p330 and 1.9.3p547.
JRuby is also updated and now it’s running on version 1.7.15.
Bundler is now on version 1.7.2.
PHP updates include versions 5.3.29, 5.4.32, 5.5.16 and the addition of 5.6.0. For more information check out the changelog.
Git has been updated to version 2.1.
NodeJS receives two updates with 0.8.28 and 0.10.31
Updates for the final release
Ruby 2.1.3 has been added to the supported languages. Check out the Ruby changelog.
Bundler is now on version 1.7.3.
A full list of changes is available in the platform changelog