Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll be looking at one of the main use cases for test doubles in Elixir: aiding in the interaction between domain logic and impure components that exist over the boundaries of an application. Tests relying on such components are usually brittle, and need to reach out to external resources whose state […]
Thiago Araújo Silva
Rails Testing Antipatterns: Fixtures and Factories
In the upcoming series of posts, we’ll explore some common antipatterns in writing tests for Rails applications. The presented opinions come from our experience in building web applications with Rails (we’ve been doing it since 2007) and is biased towards using RSpec and Cucumber. Developers working with other technologies will probably benefit from reading as […]
Test-Driving a Stream-powered Elixir Library
In this tutorial, we will test-drive an Elixir library and refactor it to leverage streams, while learning about Umbrella apps and handy testing techniques.