Once you release a feature to the world all bets are off. Live demos never work as intended. Tech previews can give preview the wrong thing. Here’re some tips to ensure it goes smoothly.
Tomas Fernandez
Dockerizing a Node.js Web Application
Docker is a popular tool for creating and deploying applications in isolated environments. But how can you use Docker to run a Node.js web application? In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Docker image for a Node.js app, how to run it in a container, and how to use Docker Compose to manage multiple containers. You will also see how to use Docker volumes to persist data and how to use Docker networks to connect containers. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to dockerize a Node.js web application and how to leverage the benefits of Docker for development and deployment.
Taming Cloud Costs with Infracost
Cloud costs can be all over the place. How much will an infrastructure change cost you? Let Infracost do the estimation for you.
Measuring Page Speed with Lighthouse and CI/CD
If time is money, then speed is revenue. Learn how to measure page speed with Lighthouse CI.
Secure Kubernetes with Kubescape
The complexity of Kubernetes makes it remarkably easy to leave a cluster vulnerable to attacks. Use Kubescape to prevent vulnerabilities from reaching your cluster.
36 Questions to Ask Your Future Software Employer
Is this the job of your dreams or nightmares? Sometimes it’s best to keep shopping around. Ask these questions after the interview to find out.
17 DevOps Metrics To Measure Success
DevOps metrics are the vital signs of your project. The metrics you choose can expose problems or can hide them behind irrelevant data.
Microfrontends: Microservices for the Frontend
Can we take microservice architecture patterns and apply them to the frontend?
Database Management With CI/CD
Don’t waste your DBA talents, automate database management with continuous integration.
New book: Transitioning from Monolith to Microservices Handbook
Is your monolith on its last legs? Are you having trouble meeting the rising demands of your users? Then, check out our free ebook on migrating from monolith to microservices.
Become an Elite Team With Dora Metrics
Elite teams are thousands of times more productive than the rest. DORA metrics can help your team ship code at a faster pace.
Semantic Versioning with CI/CD
As software creators, we are responsible for accurately communicating the compatibility for our releases.
JavaScript’s Newest Framework: Bun. Will It Take Node’s Crown?
Bun is the newest and fastest all-in-one JavaScript framework. Will it take over Node? Is it better than Deno? Let’s do some testing.
When Microservices Are a Bad Idea
Migrating from a monolith to microservices is not a simple task, and creating an untested product as a new microservice is even more complicated. Microservices should only be seriously considered after evaluating the alternative paths.
Testing Strategies For Microservices
Microservices, by their networked nature, provide more points of failure than a traditional monolith. As a result of this, we need a different, broader approach to testing.